(MegaSolo) Here's How You Can Make Money Online Easily in 2016!


Hi Blogger

Here is my story.

I always have BIG dreams. When I was young, my parents were not aware of this, but I was gambling with my neighborhood kids using picture cards. I wanted to be the winner takes all. Oh and we played marbles, we played kites – had to be the best, the biggest, flew the highest… I strove and fought to be the best, gather the most. But there were obstacles. I had no money. I was the small guy. But I found ways to get in the game, to advance further and won.


Today, I am part of the internet movement having my own team to help build an internet marketing academy online. We call it KindredIMAcademy aka KIMA.

Someone told me:  Define your goal, expect obstacles along the way, even complications but live for today, go deep, take actions, be engaged. Success is a process, so engage, you never arrive. Don’t give up trying! The more you try the closer you are to that BIG Dream of yours.

He said: Dream BIG, Start Small, but ACT NOW! And keep going.

Mark Twain said: ‘The secret of getting ahead is getting started.’

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said: ‘What you can do, or dream you can do, BEGIN IT. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.’

 Today, I learn that one cannot be emotional about one’s business but one must be passionate about the business. Sounds contradictory?

Well your business cannot return an emotion. Emotion is a 2-way thing. If your business is stalled, stop feeling sorry or frustrated. Find out why and passionately engage to just keep learning to play the game according to plan, process, system to finally achieve the BIG Dream.

Going it alone is tough. So I found a team. I got myself a mentor. I got help.

I was told that ‘Your Success is Up to YOU’ But you do not need to go it alone.

Today, I found the Kindred Internet Marketing Academy aka KIMA the place where people struggling or beginning in the internet marketing can join and begin to make money online.

All can join free and upgrade affordably and go on to earn more as we learn.

Why not join us here today to continue with your own BIG Dream – maybe your BIG Dream is a trip somewhere, or a family celebration, or financial freedom, or… even to keep that BIG Dream in view.

There’s more, but join here FREE to keep learning. Dream BIG but start somewhere. ACT NOW and continue and achieve your BIG Things! KIMA helps make your BIG Dream a reality easily.

Join now:


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