(Solo) Hawaiian Pizza & a Sleazy Rat-Hole Apartment??

What on EARTH would Hawaiian Pizza
have to do with a Sleazy Rat-Hole
Apartment in the Bronx???

You'll have to read Morgan's Story
to find out :)

What if I told you, shes giving away
NOT ONLY 2,400 Permission Based Optins
per month per member, but ALSO...

5 email swipes she paid 2500.00 for
that are CUSTOM WRITTEN to convert
on these optins.

AND to smear the icing on the cake,
she had an autoresponder custom programmed
that delivers these high-converting swipes
to your 2,400 optins that you can use

It's the largest funded ad co-op I've
EVER seen and I've been making an
absolute KILLING since I joined.

- All membership fees are pooled together
to run a MASSIVE ad co-op and YOU get
a share of the results.

She's currently spending 28,000.00/day
advertising through 8 campaigns on

Google AdWords
Traffic Exchanges
Solo ads
Banner ads

Here's the catch though. The doors CLOSE
once she has enough members in the co-op.

Then you lose and miss out, until (if) they
open again.

I've already seen them close 3 times since
I've joined. For up to WEEKS each time.

DON'T THINK. Just act now :)

Faith McDowell - Faith Based Advertising

P.S. If you're lucky enough to snag an account
and need help, email me: faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com


Click the link to receive 10 credits



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