I know the owner of this program for several years. She has finally hit it big and is sharing as I am. This is real! DO NOT PASS THIS BY!
Join us today and participate in Phoenix Power Rising without any financial outlay!
The latest per 4/25 call is that benefactor
will be paying your entry fee of $120
starting Wed., April 27th! Note that there are thousands to be manually entered one by one by her staff so be patient. Your turn will come.
Website is still being tweaked!
New "PRODUCT" link has been put on site!
You will be paid via Visa Debit Card which will be paid for by Admin.
THE COMPENSATION PLAN IS FANTASTIC! PRODUCT: DISCOUNT SHOPPING MALL: Our Members Have Access To Their Own Discount Shopping Network! Save from 10% to 60% on 300,000 brand name consumer products!!
Fast Cycling 2 x 3 Matrix
No Sponsoring Required To Cycle or Earn.
Big Cycling Commissions.
Pay It Forward feature available.
Pays Daily.
State of the Art Software for complete Automation.
Automatic Re-entries so you will cycle over and over again.
There was an exciting call 4/18 and here is the recording ....
712-432-1085 pin 316702#
Live calls Monday and Thursday\'s at
10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain and 7pm Pacific
Dial-In Number is 712-432-0075 Pin Number is 316702#
10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain and 7pm Pacific
Dial-In Number is 712-432-0075 Pin Number is 316702#
One thing to be aware of....when you sign up, at the bottom of the page be careful...
be sure to click on SUBMIT within Golden bird; it is below the link
be sure to click on SUBMIT within Golden bird; it is below the link
that takes you to Terms And Agreements Many people click on this and think they joined,
but they do not receive anything saying
but they do not receive anything saying
they joined. So be careful and pay attention where you are clicking.Also, please refer any PPR questions to the "Contact Us" button on the PPR website, as this is now the designated email address for this program.
Here\'s my link to the site, go check it out ... and join for FR*EE ...
Bounce an email back to me that you have joined.
Best wishes, MATT OWENS, 360-441-8643
This message is sent in compliance of the email Bill HR 1910. Under Bill HR 1910 passed by the 106th US Congress on May 24, 1999, this message cannot be considered Spam as long as we include the way to be removed. Per Section HR 1910, To Unsubscribe just hit \'reply\' and put \'remove\' in subject area. All removal requests are handled personally and immediately once received. You will be missed. Matt "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it! If you dream it, you can become it!"
Click the link to receive 10 credits
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Click here - On Invitation ONLY!
PRIORITY SuperSolo to 70,000 for only $3.77!!
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