PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU JOIN!I really appreciate your having joined me in Phoenix Power Rising. You have been benefactored in so there has been no financial outlay on your part. Admin arbitrarily placed you in my 2 x 3 matrix and you fell on my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. Some got spillover and got a message that you earned $60. One person wrote me: “Thanks a lot for placing two people on my front line, giving me $60 in my e-Wallet.” Those falling on my 3rd level, where there’s 8 spaces, regretfully do not have anyone under them.
Admin, in explaining the PPR Compensation Plan wrote: Congratulations you have been invited to participate in a pay it forward system where there is no financial outlay on your part. You will enter a 2 x 3 team filled matrix and will receive the following as levels are completed. Once you cycle you will be automatically re-entered in level 1.
Admin on her calls has said that all empty matrix spots will eventually get filled as those joining with no sponsor will go into the empty spots. How patient are you? How long will it take her to fill the spots under you? 3 weeks? 3 months? 3 years?
ANSWER: It lies in the ability of each person to bring in just 2 people registering without cost under them. Now I know it’s hard to get people to pay into a program…but this is 100% NO RISK! NOTHING PAID OUT-OF-POCKET! IT’S A NO-BRAINER! YOU CAN’T LOSE A CENT! POTENTIAL IS HUGE! “IT’S A WIN-WIN PROGRAM DESIGNED FOR EVERYONE”!
There are 14 people below you in your matrix. 2 on your 1st level, 4 under them in 2nd level and then 8 on 3rd level…that’s 14.
You just get your 2 to register, not spending a dime, and each person under you does the same. When you get all 14 in place, you have completed your first cycle and earned $300. Admin recovers her $120; you are automatically put you into a new matrix; you net $180 which you can withdraw. When you cycle the 2nd matrix, you can withdraw the full $300. You can keep cycling $300 matrices and you decide when to upgrade to $500 phase. As far as I can tell, for each new matrix you enter, unless admin starts filling empty spots, it’s up to you to get 2 people to register and they need to do the same. So this is not a slam dunk; you need to do a little work finding people willing to register.
If anyone getting this thinks my analysis is wrong, please let me know.
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