mostly been out of their financial reach.
It\'s a well-known fact that the most signups and sales are made from solo ad mailings.
Experienced marketers are prepared to pay $25+ for one solo ad!
Yes, a solo ad to a quality list is that good!
But seriously, the majority of marketers simply aren\'t making enough to pay that sort of money.
Well, LeasedAdSpace has just made solo ads affordable to the majority!
Just 7 bucks one-time gets you a solo ad to the whole list once a month FOR LIFE - no matter how big the list grows!
Sell just one $7 traffic package to someone else who needs quality solo ad mailings and you have
1 solo ad a month - FOR FREE!
All solo ads are also posted to their blog so this is REAL QUALITY TRAFFIC with search engine exposure!
To make things even better, your $7 purchase gets you a position in the matrix.
My Level 1 is full so I am now promoting for my Level 1 members. If I make a sale, ONE OF THEM gets the $7
direct to THEIR PayPal!
This is a great system! Instant 7 buck commissions and QUALITY ADVERTISING! You want IN?
Then join here.
HINT - I promote A LOT :)
Click the link to receive 10 credits
Send your ad to
Click here - On Invitation ONLY!
PRIORITY SuperSolo to 70,000 for only $3.77!!
Shorten, Cloak, Edit, Track and Advertise your Links for FR*E!
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